Welcome to Sundsbergs gård!
Sundsbergs gård is situated in the heart of Sunne. Here you can enjoy a good cup of coffe and taste our newly baked cookies.
Why not visit the art museum where you can look at the art by the artists of Värmland. Every month we have a new exhibition.
We are open all year around from wednesday to sunday between 12- 16 pm
You can trace Sundsbergs gård back to the 15th century, but the site that you see today have its origin in the 18th century. The museum is situated in the wing which is the original buildning from the 18th century and here you can spot the development over time in the internal architecture.
The farm are also known from the litterary work of Selma Lagerlöf under the name of Björne. In the book Gösta Berlings saga this was the home of the family Sinclaire and the most beautiful women in all of Värmland namly Marianne Sinclaire.
The story of the seven ironworks and the lovestory between the wife of the major of Ekeby and Altringer that Selma Lagerlöf used in the book are based on a true story. The original story have its base on Sundsbergs gård, and in the real world the names of the lovers were Bengt Antonsson and Mrs Gustafva Sandelin wife of the lawman in Sunne parish. Bengt Antonsson inherited Sundsbergs gård in 1782 from his father Olof Antonsson who where the builder of the farm as you can see it today and the story of Bengt and Gustafva that later Selma used in her book sets in the late 18th century.
Beside the museum in the wing you can also visit the other museums that are situated on the farm.
- The museum of forestry: where you can experience the development of the forestry.
- The chamber of textile: the stylish clothes from the Birgitta Sjökvist collection (the last private owner of Sundsbergs gård who still lives on the farm) from the 1940-1990. On display are also textures and embroideries from the Anna Kristina Sjökvist collection (mother in law to Birgitta Sjökvist).
- The dentist museum: here you can look at the dentist practice of Tore Sjökvist (the husband to Birgitta Sjökvist) who took his dental degree in 1931. The mueum is in its original state.